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The Everything Seed Unfolding in the World

The Everything Seed has been used for retreats, college classes, religious education material, intergenerational worship, children's education, art displays and more.

If you have pictures you'd like me to display on this page, please email them to me along with a description of the event and I will post them on this page.

Religious Education
The Everything Seed was featured in a Unitarian Universalist curriculum called Picture Books U.U. that used 36 picture books to teach UU principles.

Using images from the book as inspiration, a group of adults and youth at the Unitarian Universalist Church in Barnstable, Massachusetts joined together to paint one of their classroom walls. The wall was the final project of a program on creation stories.

To purchase and download The Everything Seed PowerPoint or the Resource Guide, click here.
PowerPoint presentations come in English, Spanish and French.

Original Artwork on Display

Joy with artwork at the Unity church in Berkeley, CA. Each Sunday minister Patricia Keel picked one piece from the wall, moved it to the front and used it as the center piece of the service.

Joy displays the original "Everything Seed" batiks in churches and galleries around the country.
In Santa Rosa, the pieces hung in the Unitarian Universalist church foyer for two months. Joy provided the morning worship one Sunday using the story as the Children's Time, then giving the sermon and meditation using the images from both the book and from the art of batik.

To schedule a display of Joy's work, email Joy Troyer.

Related Materials

Cletus Wessels, a Dominican Priest, used the story of The Everything Seed in the introduction to his book, Jesus and the New Universe Story. One of the illustrations graces the cover of the book. You can purchase the book through Amazon.com.

Dyeing Arts Cards display images from The Everything Seed.
For more information, click here


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